Otolaryngology (ENT) is the field of medicine concerned with the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT). An Otolaryngologist specialises in both surgery and medicine. They are different from physicians because otolaryngologists are qualified to perform surgery on the complex and very delicate tissues of the neck and head. The conception of this speciality was in the 19th century when doctors realised that a series of interconnected systems reside within the head and the neck.
Tools and techniques were developed for the examining and treatment of problems of the neck and head, eventually turning this into a separate medical speciality.

Basic Diploma in Ear, Nose &Throat & Neck Surgery
- UACE with at least 1 principal pass in either Biology or Chemistry and a subsidiary pass from the other.
- UCE with at least 5 passes in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English.
- A Certificate in any of these health related disciplines.
- Nursing/Midwifery,
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Medical Laboratory Techniques.
Two (02) Years